A rather sad mustache, for a rather sad time. I regret to inform my wonderful regular readers that I will be gone on a mustache research trip until next Monday and I will be traveling to savage lands, bereft of civilization and modern curiosities such as The Inter-net.
I had considered having my manservant Joseph keep up with our communications, but I respect and admire you all too much to leave you to his tangle-tongued mutterings. I have decided to take him along on half-pay, even though I doubt he can survive the intellectual rigors and physical hardships of the trip.
I hope to return with a formidable cadre of new images to delight and amaze you.
Your Faithful Servant,
safe journey, and turn thy dirigible homeward as soon as you can -- don't tarry! be sure to pack your mustache wax!
brilliant! i'm so excited to find another aficianando. you are doing the good work.
As a bona fide pogonophile (beard-admirer) I must take exception to your regrettable phobia about beards. Combined with the right mustache, a beard can be absolutely... um...irresistible. And I will never be able to grow a mustache of my own anyway, being of the female persuasion.
I used to have a moustache.
Dear Editor,
How grateful we are to have serendipitously discovered your wonderful weblog (sic).
USC Squirrels
This is marvelous work, I must say.
I have my own rather fine facial fur, that I hope you will one day examine in great detail.
Wonderful photographs. Maybe one day you could do a blog on side burns.
This is the most important blog on the internet. Bravo.
I concur with sir dungan. Wish I saw this site sooner! I've done a David Niven (thin, cosmopolitain). Is there a name for that?
Dear Sir,
Great read on so many levels, have linked you forthwith!
Mr Newman
Fine work sir.
Don't be too kind to the natives
Berate the servant regularly
Tally Ho!
How grand!
Good to hear the gay ol' bachelors off on adventures to savage lands. Should be a smasher of a time. Remember us fondly to the locals and report on anything of consequence especially with regards to facial follicle fashion.
G-dspeed goodsir,
My friend with winter close at had I also am rearing up quite a fine stash. Your lovely page has given me insight and inspiration thank you Sir.
can i be given an e-mail alert when you begin researching great Major League Baseball Mustaches from the 70's and 80's?
Jolly good; jolly jolly good!
Seriously, I haven't read a blog this funny in awhile. Plus, I keep thinking about all the mustache ride jokes my husband has made over the years. Immature, but still the jokes are very amusing.
You know when you log into blogspot and you can click on a featured blog of the day? Well, today I decided to do that and I fell upon your blog. I have found it to be quite nice! Keep up the good work, fellow blog-master.
But I have, and one of long duration, gone from dark brown to grey in a lifetime. A pity you have not seen fit to display the modern era. Hmmph!
I get it! I get it! See you on the anti-war marches and the picket-lines. And anyway, who needs a mother?
/;) Sir,
It is good that someone of your stature and learning in this field has finally decided to share the knowledge. Alas there is not more of your kind.
Never knew that facial hair could bring about so much mirth.
God speed.
A good one has to take a turn near the angle of the upper lip...!
what a splendiforous blog.
Good stuff. Enjoyed it very much!
Dear J, You deal with an unique subject. I greet you from the Land of India where mushies are quite popular and some have made it into record books.Altho i am a woman I think some male faces improve face value when theu grow a mush.But they should be looked after properly.
Love this site, and love a mustache on a man, although I'm not so sure of the twirly ones :-)
Thanks of this.
Shave them off I say!
Greetings from tribe Kand-y Hool'ah! I have greatly admired your treatises on the various moustache forms of the nineteenth century. This century seems to have a regrettable decline in this noble hirsute pursuit. However, I find that you are guilty of shocking, and more importantly, sexist omission--you do not seem to have the proper appreciation for the female upper lip and the many tales it can tell! I hope you will look into the matter.
Till then, hairy upper lip, and all that, eh? Chop chop!
P.S.: Give my regards to Joseph. And you may NOT dock his pay for that!
I currently sport a wonderful, cultivated, groomed, lip-shading mustache of a sort any 19th century gentleman would be proud of; unfortunately due to an unfortunate industrial accident I am being advised by my medical practitioner to either grow a beard or undergo a series of painful surgeries. As an expert in the field I would have your advice? Beard or painful surgery?
How will I get my daily dose of
Good luck!
I've heard savages have fearsome moustaches, with teeth, the size of their bodies!
Quite an intresting example... Good luck on your trip.
This is pretty much the most amazing thing I have seen in a very long time.
I must say, you've got yourself a wonderful blog of moustaches. Kudos!
Alas, Poor Joseph....I knew him....
So interesting.
I just happened upon your blog & I love it!
Good Stuff
are you brit?
interesting 'blog of note'- i can't believe it actualy exists :D
mustaches: always interesting, always revolting. oh how i love to hate them!
All I can say about nose dust-bins is YUCK but your blog is tres cute.. now get those things away from me!!
I dare say, your mustacheary is magnificent.
Just found this blog - it's great! Keep up the good work!
Mark Total Client Marketing
I am saddened in my mustachioless state...
doubtless you are aware of the impending joy to come in November?
Wow what a cool blog! I really like it. It's so original.
I didn't know it was possible to write a blog about mustaches. Funny stuff.
This blog is awesome.
Last year I did a thesis on the work of one Joseph Bazalgette, a nineteenth century London engineer, who was the possessor of one of the finest mustaches ever. Google him!
are you a barbar or just like the stache
"without a shred of doubt - the most essential and civilized blog in existence..." ~ Lukerom
If anyone would like to Grow a Mo for the month of 'Movember', please let me know. We're a part of an official fund-raiser to help combat prostate cancer.
You can view our team blog here:
Sponsorship, mo-growing rules as well as how to join the team can be found along the right hand column.
Very intriguing site. You are obviously quite passionate about your interests.
Sir, your mustaches both titillate and offend my natural feminine delicacy.
I can say no more.
As a fellow enthusiast of fine mustaches, I admire your work. You, sir, are truly a pioneer in the all-too-important field of historical mustache research.
Here's something on a more recent entry to the world of great mustaches:
I think a brief description of the etymology of the word 'mustache' should be mentioned.
Apparently it came about when a gentleman was about to leave the warm embrace of his most beloved, and then head back to the wife, when his folk-dancing partner asked him if he was going to shave before he left. He replied by saying "No, I'm in a hurry, I must dash !"
And there you have it.
As he left, he muttered something about a bearded clam, but that's for another blog I believe.
I like the name of your blog
On your travels, you may, if fortune frowns on you or neglects your wellbeing, find yourself in regions antipodean.
In the midst of your desperate attempts to reorientate yourself (Do moustaches grow upside down in the southern hemisphere, as well as being spelt differently?), you may spend some time considering the legend of The Spooky Men.
Not much is known about them. They are reputed to spend much of their time in caves swapping facial hair management techniques from around the world. But may in fact turn out to have been legends in their own minds only. However, an intrigueing fragment of one of their songs relates
"We are the Spooky Men
We dream of Mastodons
Practice mysterious handshakes
and we can grow beards if we want to (my italics)
A website has been set up for those interested in further research www.spookymen.com
Whoa these are old photographs! what an interesting blog, I daresay!
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