I am pleased to introduce Josh Gipson and Jesse Brasher (l to r), winners of the intra-collegiate mustache growing contest held in honor of National Archives Week. Josh won in the Density event, but Jesse edged him out in the important and highly competitive Length From Bare-Lipped race. But in the end, Josh's points in the Freestyle event for his flamboyant Inverted Kurdish pulled them into a dead tie. Both were declared the champion in an emotional ceremony.

I see the modern day users of the mustache are prone to placing hands upon faces - gone are the days of a fine pose, mustache held aloft and proud.
Still good work, perhaps when they reach maturity these mustaches will carry forward the hairy message our ancestors carried on thier top lips.
They are a generation of face touchers, and while I do lament the disappearance of the formal mustache poses, I think a more intimate tactile relationship between mustache and wearer may bond to two more closely and promote mustache health.
Your Faithful Servant,
Mustache or Moustache? You decide.
(I decide to add an extra o.)
I must admit to daily combing...though some days it consists of finding last night's snack firmly embedded...
Congratulations to you two. : )
Congratulations to both winners!
What a fantastic picture that is, too.
Mustache Men must band together. The ability to grow upper lip hair separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom.
Well, except from the monkeys and that weird lizard with the little Hitler.
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