A fine gentleman with a fine mustache, but the historical heft of this image is on his lapel. It is a rare photograph of an International Order of Mustache Relief Fellows membership pin. Every major city in the civilized world had a IOOMRF chapter house, ready to lend a hand to mustachioed and unmustached alike. This fine men were all pillars of their community and lead by example of their fine mustaches. They would give lectures on mustache grooming and public demonstrations of mustache safety procedures. They were also known for their fund drives and parades, raising money for widows, orphans, and the medically unmustache. Unfortunately, changing styles and the electric razor took their toll on the membership at large and the organization is largely forgotten.
In recent years, though, a number of like-mided organizations, both literal and spiritual descendants of IOOMRF, have sprung up. If you would like to support mustaches in your area, I urge you to seek out organizations like Mustaches For Kids, Team Mo-Mentum, and Fund-A-Stache. Fine folks doing fine work, and keeping the mustache alive.
My grandfather was one of the founding members of the International Order of Mustache Relief Fellows. He would often chastise me for my loose overhand twist. I was six at the time. I didn't think, nor do I now, think ill of my grandfather. He showed me the mustache ropes and for that I can never thank him enough. He died in 1988 due to an unfortunate razor accident aboard a steamer bound for Calgary.
I must say that I'm excited for this year's Stash Bash in Madison, Wisconsin sponsored by Mustaches For Kids.
I will attend brandishing unique facial hair.
On an unrelated note, will this site be celebrating the mustache portrayal of one Daniel Plainview, which happens to be up for an Academy Award* nomination?
*The Academy of Film, not the Academy of Mustache Excellence
speaking of academy awards, i'm quite smitten with the moustaches in "there will be blood". i hope they get a nod!
Dear Franko,
Daniel Plainview is indeed the lead mustache in "There Will Be Blood." It simply steals the show. An oil-slicked mustache is a sight to behold.
In light of my long-gestating post on "The Mustaches of Deadwood," I would be foolhardy not to attempt laud the fine mustachery on display in "There Will Be Blood."
Your Faithful Servant,
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