An absolutely delightful mustache on this fine figure of a dandy. Thin and sharp--almost sharp enough to cut through the fog of history. And his amazing oversize bow-tie surely meant he was the manly he-belle of whatever ball he attended.
The one-stop blog spot for your Nineteenth Century Mustache needs!
The bow tie looks too big to be natural. It may be “silicone” enhanced!
Don't have his dapper countenance throw you, friends. The man is a rapscallion. I have heard, through various means, that he is a cad who tries to woo betrothed women at the various pie socials in our area.
thank you for the words of warning, Jonathan S. -- i will inform the local constabulary about this roustabout!
Oh my word, Jonathan! I had no idea what sort of man this was! I will do my best not to fall for this scoundrel's trickery!
~Miss Emmy Hart
That is one well-groomed moustache.
I honestly wish I had thought of 'he-belle'.
Dearest Miss Emmy,
I am a man of honor and will not stand about while a roustabout not only woos the betrothed but eats their finest pies to boot.
Send him to the constabulary, lord franko, and throw away the key! And while you're at it, take back that pie he's been eating. More for us civilized folk.
Your blog is simply stachetastic!
I think this is now known as the 'might be gay might be from palm beach mustache.'
sexy man with sexy tie...
Im so blessed,reading your blog made me discover something positive in my life.
A dandy in all words
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BEAST Yang Yoseob has shed tears during the recordings of “Hello”.
A representative from KBS2 “Hello” had revealed on the 14th of August, that Beast were invited as special guests on “Hello”. During the recordings, BEAST member Yang Yoseob, shed tears when talking about dreams to be singers.
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According to that representative, “When aspiring singers talked about their singing dreams, and how it’s hard to chase them and expressed their sad thoughts of giving this dream up, Yang Yoseob was seen choking with tears”. Yang Yoseob was also a singer who faced many setbacks before he managed to debut. Because of this, he could understand the feelings of those who aspires to be singers, hence the tears.
Yang Yoseob even had times where he wanted to give up on his dreams, but he held on and came to his current agency with Lee Kikwang. Eventually, he became a part of BEAST.
It was also reported that BEAST officials couldn’t hide their surprise when they heard that the usual-manly Yoseob cried during the recording process.
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