This poor sufferer's mustache is completely bald in the middle. There are many causes of Mustache Baldness, but the most perplexing is the little understood North American Hook-beaked Mustache Swallow, an insidious creature that steals the softest mustache hairs to line its nests. Thought extinct after their flesh became a delicacy in the salons of Europe in the 1880s, there have been recent reports of a live specimen caught in the Oregon territories.
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I do not believe "sexy" and "eda" are contributing much to this fine discourse. They are probably nothing but mustachio-less lip-wigglers of inferior lineage, I say.
On the pressing topic at hand, one might wonder if the discerning fowl's decline indicates a lack in primary production of such fine nest material. And, if that supposition is correct, is it a dearth of quantity, or quality?
always your post and you so sexy...
what a data entry clerk
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