Sunday, October 21, 2007

An Astute Mustache Observation

My manservent Joseph noted that this gentleman seems to be thinking rather intently about his mustache in this image. I agreed and then docked his pay for lollygagging.


robert d said...

And one most ask, if you the faithful scribe, have a beard or a mustache?

Snapping out,


Jason Flahardy said...

Your insinuation sickens me, sir.

eyefry said...

As they say in ole Tachemania, "kipp one aye on yer lip hair, fer ye never knows whut yer other aye's a seein'". So let the poor man be. There are worse preoccupations a fellow can submit to than wax whiskerious about his own follicular protuberances. Such as shaving with a straight razor, f'rinstance. (Faugh!)

RCC said...

The mustaches of the nineteenth century symbolizes rich people in our country.

Anonymous said...

Nice 'stache. Nice blog.

Anonymous said...


It is so hard to get good help nowadays. I entered the link myself this time.

Chuh! Mortals!

Anonymous said...

What a great word.
I approve.
You may continue

Amy Crawford said...

It looks as if, in that pose, he is breathing in and meditating upon the glorious smell of his mustache, and the few breadcrumbs from dinner that got stuck upon it.

Paul Diamond said...

Tally ho. We're in Greece and you should see the taches here. Formidable.

we3blog said...

Tis truly a fascinating character who can sport such a mustache.

nalfia said...

The 19th century was also the golden era of the mustache riders, who have a long history of being mustache conissuers . These ladies and gentlemen who were members of this prestigious club lived and breathed the joys of the hair ladden upper lip.Some say that this organization still exists

Mindy Alyssa said...

OH MY GOD! This blog is sheer genius! Freakin' hilarious!!

pankajsharma.separate said...

to be honest,clean shaven is the talk of the town!so lets get rid of mustache!

kubek10 said...

Interesting topic.

pat said...


Chontay Taylor, MSN, RN, PMHNP-BC said...

Chontay says
Nice picture. I bet he never thought that this one would make the world wide web. He is now famous.

dixiecup said...

Are you certain this man is a gentleman? His head tilt, his monacle -- they say "gentleman". Yet, look at the cut of his suit. Could he, indeed, be a gentleman's gentleman?

Chris Beanie said...

Interesting facination of mustache you got there. Perhaps i can send in mine for you to examine my pedigree?

Scott said...

Oh, the great fashion of the past! I had a handlebar of some length (at least 5 inches from the corner of my mouth) in the past. Work place presure required the clipping of my great work. It seems that taunts of "Raulie Finger," "Pauncho Via," or "It's Luigi of the Mario Brothers" is not acceptable for management.

ZOYA SHU said...

VERY NICE BLOG. i just did mine, so new here. :) but mine seems not bad too :) well, seeing this blog, i even felt pity i can never have mustache :D

ZOYA SHU said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Justin said...

I myself have a beard. The mustaches of the 19th century have always seemed mystical to me. These men spent time crafting these stashes with things like bees wax.
In the spirit of Halloween I am going to shave my beard off and leave a faint mustache on Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

Great site. I have a JPEG of an old dude with moustache but doesn't fall under any classification. Can you classify it if I send an JPEG to you? (No virus nor threats)

Kahlua- The Solitary Traveller said...

i am new to this blogging bit but am impressed to c the lay out and creativity u hav put in to make these poor men's facial forests to admirable light

Conu' Nae said...

good point... from a hairless 21st century perspective

A Bishops Wife said...

Sinfull I tell you!
A den of theives are ye all!
Abomanations to clean shaven men everywhere!

All men with a mustache or facial hair of any kind are bound for the fire of hell! Everybody knows that!

Neil said...

I didn't realise that my mustache is a part of living history! Thanks !!!

esteban said...

I dare say that the whole lot of you are a bunch of sissy ninnys, and to dock the wages of a man with such an astounding face beaver is mere poppycock!

Anonymous said...

quite great I must say....

Cail said...

Interesting documentation of blogs here!

My own moustache battles (at my blog) pale in comparison to these.

I think shooting pics in sepia tone enhances the moustache's appeal. Noted.

Tally ho!

Rachel said...

and what's the point of talking about mustaches again?

Stevester said...

Your rant is duly noted an completely a worthwhile endeavor, my good man. I happened upon this blog whilst attempting to find more information on the "Burnsides", or, more astutely, the sideburns, that inevitably during this most storied time would frolick towards eachother and engage in a mirthful moustache; I can only gaze upon the beauty of your subject, and wonder if that twinkle in his eye is the knowledge of a job well done, the feeling of accomplishment not known to the common man, the contentment of such a lip rug being there for the ages. Bravo, sir, bravo. I do ask if I may link to you in my own blog, as the greatness of these posts cannot readily be duplicated?

ashsfall said...

you've got great things here...mustache's, ahhh the great antiqulated MUSTACHE!

off.the.twig said...

have you considered a similar tribute site to the oft forgotten mutton chops?
i feel that you could do justice, where justice is due.

Anonymous said...

Well ,dock my pay as well! That is one fine 'stache example!

rebecca said...

The Wilson Studio of Chicago was the meeting place for many a mustachioed man in teh late 1890s. Any man worth his weight in wax would stop in to have his walrus photographed.

Anonymous said...

This is a not so insightful remark by a mustache virgin: I don't get 'em. I've tried letting my facial hair grow, then shaved off all but the upper lip growth, I've tried leaving a growth which follows the edge of my mouth right around either side and down to my chinny, chin chin and I've tried a Clark Gable, but I'm afraid my face is one of the unlucky few which just doesn't suit a hairy catterpillar on my upper lip. alas

MusingsofAriel said...

He looks very grand and important. I enjoy this mustache.

Anonymous said...

Well what an interesting site I must say. Personally since dating a man with a moustache I will not date a man without one...whisker-burns are a real turn off.

Kent Page said...

I hate kissing men with mustachios...

Elaine Leon said...
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Forbidden Fantasy said...

i'm sorry for being the bearer of bad news but i'm here to say that i find this entire site quite humorous seeing as how it is devoted to a mass of hair growing above the lip that makes drinking anything from a cup quite a task.

Toy Illustration said...

Shave it, Leave it,
Wax it, Cleave it,
Chew on it, Comb it out,
Enjoy the aroma
of last night's Stout.

Billy Bob said...

Such a large tie knot on a collar-less shirt? Heavens to Murgatroyd!

Disco Diablog said...
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Disco Diablog said...

said Frida Khalo. Shall we think of Renaissance?

Jazz said...

hello, I have only to say this...

Kissing a man without a mustache, is like eating a hard boiled egg, without salt.


Lover said...


try beards. haha c:

Goddess Findings said...

I've always fallen in love with men with mustaches, it's just the way of the world.

Have you seen these GUmmy Mustaches? MMMMM good!

Goddess Findings

Zionabby said...

i think it's great!!!!

Iagos said...

Indeed such repose is of the cultured but one look at the short collar and the vulgar large knot of his ascot and I see this man for the cad and bounder he truly is. No sir the cut of his jib is upon the bias!

Chainsaw said...

Let yer freak flag fly!

Anonymous said...

Great blog
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Great blog
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Unknown said...

But I don have a mustache, What to do?

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