I do believe that being surrounded in world filled with inferior mustaches has driven his poor fellow quite mad. If most gentlemen had the length and density of his wild mustache, this might be the best of all possible worlds. Alas, that lack is the despair in his eyes.
Oh gosh, that is so beautiful. It's mustache poetry at its finest.
This blog has opened my heart to the truth and overall beauty of the Mustache. Thanks.
A month and a half, and no post.
My worries mount.
Tell me it isn't true what the effete mustache malingers of the metropoli are saying!
To whit; that the mustache revival is merely a red state malaprop made so by Our Leader's misfortunate ability to grow one?
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No post now for nearly two months.
Has the mustache been shaved?
Dude. Really gotta edit these posts. What's with all the little blue boxes?
I love this one.
Now these are mustaches. I find your blog most enjoyable. Keep up the great work.
A fine specimen as far as moustaches go, but not a face I should want to see at my window at night!
Nice Article !
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